17th November 2024 @ 11am

  1. Apologies
  2. Previous Minutes
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Matters Closed

New Matters

  1. Election of Officers
  2. Election of Committee
  3. Statement by Treasurer as to financial position of WBSC
  4. Proposal - Price Review of goods and services
  5. Proposal - For review of usage of specific areas
  6. Proposal - for Membership Newsletter and Events Calendar
  7. Proposal - Membership Drive – Advertise in village bulletin
  8. Proposal - WBSC Coffee Mornings in Hall
  9. Review - WBSC Website – Addition / Deletions / Amendments
  10. Any other business

Elections to the West Bergholt Social Club are held at the Annual General Meeting  of the membership.

Any fully paid up member can stand for election for any position within the nominated  Officer roles and / or the working Committee and such member must have been a member for 5 years or more continuously not withstanding being co-opted onto said committee by standing officers and commitment from time to time will so be permitted and such member must have been a member for 5 years or more continuously not withstanding being co-opted onto said committee by standing officers and committee as and when.

All positions to be proposed and seconded by a fully paid up member of the WBSC.

Elections will not be held for the officers positions if those standing re-election do so unopposed and have been proposed and seconded by a fully paid up member of the WBSC.

Election of Trustee’s to be no more the 6 members but ideally 3no as a minimum.

The working Committee to be no more than 20 members but ideally 8 as a minimum.

A member can become a co-opted member of the working Committee at the invitation of the Chairperson anytime after the elections.

All the Officers and Committee are voluntary members of the WBSC and are entitled to no benefits or monetary reward.

All Officers and Committee members are required to attend planned and ad-hoc committee meetings called by the Chairperson at least 4 times a year, apologises notwithstanding.

A member can stand for election for only 1no officer and / or working committee post.

Nomination sheet will be displayed 14 days prior to the AGM and will be closed at 11.00am on the day of the AGM.

Election of officer and committee will be by a show of hands at the AGM and recorded in the WBSC AGM minutes.

In the event of a draw a closed ballot will be undertaken by any officer who has been duly elected at the AGM until such time a result is forthcoming.

Valid and Current membership must be held 60 days prior to attendance of the memberships Annual General Meeting.


As of 20th December 2017, Revised 05.01.2018, Revised 22.01.2018, Revised 01.02.2018 Revised 15th May 2019. Updated 29.11.2025