Membership is open to all residents of West Bergholt Parish and surrounding areas, "our community"


In the event of Membership oversubscription  priority will be given to the residents of West Bergholt Parish.


Membership runs from 1st January each year. 


Becoming a member is straight forward, applications are open all round until membership levels are met. Membership is subject to approval by the Committee.


Valid and current membership must be held 60 days prior to attendance of the memberships Annual General Meeting which is usually held in October each year.


Pensioners    £10 per year

                       (Age 65's and over)


Single            £15 per year


Couples         £20 per year


Family           £25 per year


If you want to 'try before you buy' you can be signed into the WBSC by an existing member for a fee of £1.00 per person.  Please contact us via our website for more details.